Every control part on every water heater that we install comes with a lifetime guarantee against defects in materials, defects in installation and defects in operation. The water heater gas valve, the water heater temperature pressure relief valve, the incoming and outgoing nipples, the anode rod, the burners, the thermocouple and every other part is under a lifetime guarantee.
The tank is under our exclusive 10 year parts and labor guarantee. If the tanks leaks at any time in the first 10 years of ownership we will, without a single penny of expense to you, replace that water heater with a brand new one, plus your guarantee on the new starts all over again.
All of our guarantees are dependent upon proper maintenance and operation. All water heaters, tank type water heaters and tank less water heaters are required by the manufacturer’s to have regular yearly service. Given that this is the case, we offer yearly maintenance in the form of our Ultimate Service Agreement.
This Ultimate Plumbing Service Agreement gives you the following benefits:
Many water heaters are no longer manufactured in the United States where quality control is job 1. We can install any brand of water heater that we want to, but we choose Bradford and White. The reason that we choose Bradford and White Water Heaters is because of extremely high quality. They are American Made Water Heaters and they come with outstanding factory support and great guarantees.
The only true way to give a true and accurate estimate is to see the water heater that needs to be replaced. This is because codes have changed over the years, water heaters have grown in size with added money saving insulation and a great many water heaters have been installed improperly. Gas lines tend to be undersized, earthquake restraints are not used or are installed improperly and perhaps more than any other reason, the vent assembly through the roof is poorly adapted leaving a great amount of carbon monoxide lurking in and around the water heater like sickness on a cold winter’s day.
TThese corrections do add to the investment of the new water heater when they are installed correctly, but installed incorrectly, a water heater can be a magnet of financial liability for a homeowner. Water heaters that are improperly installed destroy more homes than perhaps any other appliance in the home. All water heaters will leak sooner or later, so the question really is, what will happen when the water heater leaks? Is it going to cause damage? The insurance mold claim from a leaking water heater here in the State of California now exceeds $25,000 per occurrence. This is why your water heater needs to be installed by a qualified plumber, not a technician, not a handyman and not by someone lurking in and around a home center parking lot. Your life, your home and your wallet are at risk when a water heater is install
The Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) is a set of safety instructions that are designed to ensure that your water heater is installed safely and operates properly for the longest amount of time. All water heater installations require a city or county permit for installation. The city inspector will come to your home and certify that the water heater has been installed correctly, that it is up too code and that it will operate safely for the length of the it’s lifetime.
I don’t know why any individual company doesn’t want to pull permits and have their work inspected, but I do know that the only reason that I can come up with is to skimp on materials and skimp on labor and I know that these things are all to your disadvantage. If your plumbing contractor tells you that your plumbing doesn’t require a permit, or that your permit doesn’t need to be inspected and certified that it is installed properly, you should run, not walk, away from that contractor. It is illegal, it is wrong and it will cost you the proper operation of your water heater. Do you really want to pay full price for a job half done? Protect yourself, protect your family and protect your property by insisting that the city inspector certify that your water heater is safe. Always require a installation permit.
We not only carry traditional tank hot water heaters (standard) but also offer high efficiency, tank less hot water heaters (on demand or instantaneous).
Our factory trained, licensed plumbers have years of experience and will always take the time to help you in deciding which type of water heater is best for you and your family.
We continue to grow our business one satisfied customer at a time. We will never take advantage of a plumbing emergency or a flooding home. Your plumbing referral is important to us and that is one of the many reasons why we will always work to ensure your complete satisfaction. When you choose Empire Water Heaters, expect top quality service at an affordable price.
So what are you waiting for? Call Empire Water Heaters right now and talk to a real licensed plumber. We can give you a great price for free right in your own home so that you will know, up-front, what your investment will be to get your water heater installed or serviced. As always, our prices are the same for weekends and we never charge overtime.
We here at the Empire Family of Services offer the finest water heater service and repair in Southern California. With our highly trained water heater plumbers and our friendly office staff we strive to ensure that your water heater installation experience is a fast and painless one.
Our primary focus is your convenience and safety. With two hour service windows 6 days a week, no overtime ever, we can meet you at your home at the appointed time for your water heater service. We will meet your time table for your water heater service, guaranteed.
You water heater replacement and your water heater repair is just the sort to thing that we specialized in. I am confident that we can fix any of your water heater problems straight away with out the slightest problem. give us a call and find out the quality and type of service that you have been missing all these years.
You water heater replacement and your water heater repair is just the sort to thing that we specialized in. I am confident that we can fix any of your water heater problems straight away with out the slightest problem. give us a call and find out the quality and type of service that you have been missing all these years.
When you hire us to help you and your family out, you are in good hands. We are your friends and helpers in all of your home repairs challenges.